Small Bag Unloading Station
Small Bag Dump Station offers safe and simple handling of bagged materials in a dust free environment. Operator friendly design includes bi-fold hinged door, heavy duty bag support grate and easy bag piercing. Self-contained fan and self-cleaning pulse jet style filter elements trap fugitive dusting for recycling. The unit has a large work platform, easy controls and a working hopper that integrates easily into your material handling system.
- Carbon steel – 10 gauge
- Hinged cover
- 18” x 36” work platform with safety grid
- Integral dust suppression/collection
- TEFC exhaust fan
- Solid state timer board with NEMA 4 control box
Standard Options
- 304 Stainless Steel
- NEMA 4x
- Remote dust collection
- Bag breaker
Custom Options
- 316 Stainless Steel
- Classified area designations
- Bag compactor